Hello Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of our Fall Athletes in Junior High and High School(Cheerleading, Trap Shooting, Cross Country, Volleyball, Football)

We are having a Fall Sports Banquet at Little River Junior Senior High School on Wednesday, Nov. 7th. This is to recognize our fall athletes accomplishments. This will be a semi-formal event. Please encourage your athlete to dress nice.

We are having a Potluck Meal with USD #444 providing the table service and water/tea. Please bring 1-2 dishes according to the guide below:

7th / 8th Grade - Side Dish

9th Grade - Desserts

10th Grade - Salad

11th Grade - Main Course

12th Grade - Main Course

Please report on Nov. 7th to the LRJSH Commons with your food items by 6:15pm. Dinner will begin at 6:30pm. Thank you for your support this Fall season!!!