
Oct. 19 - K-1-2 to P&M Pumpkin Patch
Oct. 20 - Late Start - Teachers - P/T Conference Scheduling
Oct. 21 - 3:15 - Bus Evacuation Drills
Oct. 22 - Last 5th grade Starbase
Oct. 22 - Pep Rally in LR - Busses leave by 2:40, dismissal from LR
Oct. 27 - USD 444 Rec Pumpkin Carving
Oct. 28 - Fall Festival Parade
Oct. 29 - No School for Students - Teacher Inservice and Workday


Nov. 1 - No School for Students - P/T Conferences 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Nov. 8 - Lifetouch Picture Retakes
Nov. 11 - Open House/Book Fair
Nov. 13 - Windom Lions Club Pancake Feed
Nov. 16 - Veterans Appreciation Lunch at WES