Goessel Basketball Tournament 12.12.20 at Goessel
All games will be live streamed at http://www.youtube.com/c/goesseljrsrhighschool
We are asking teams and spectators, at this time, to remain out of the gym when they are not playing. Teams are welcome to sit in our cafeteria located between the gyms. When possible, we ask them to leave the building and return home but we understand several schools may send their teams on the same bus. Our library is another location for teams to sit and wait. I know KSHSAA said they could but this was a local decision to allow maximum space for parents and cheerleaders. Parents/guardians listed on the pass list should only attend the event when their son(s) and/or daughter(s) are participating.
There will not be a concession stand.
Note: Only parents/guardians listed on the pass gate will be allowed to pay admission and attend this event.
All attendees must wear masks at all times and social distance.