9.22.20 HS VB at Peabody
Date/Time: Sept 22, 2020
Location: Peabody-Burns High School
810 N. Sycamore St
Peabody, KS 66866

Admission: $5.00 for adults
$3.00 for students
Passes will be accepted

Entrance/Parking: Fans will park and enter from the west side of the building.

Fans: All fans will get their temperature checked and must wear a mask anytime when in usd398 buildings, social distancing must be done when possible, no student sections will be allowed. Direct family members may sit together. We will NOT be limiting numbers of fans.

Concessions: Located in the main hallway across from the east gym. Concessions will be available, please follow the flow of the line, which will be clearly marked.

KSHAA warm-up for the first game of the night JV and VAR 20min, second games will be a 10min warm-up. JV will play 2 sets to 25, win by 2. Varsity will play best of 3
4:00p-BG--- L.R. (jv) vs HHS (jv)
4:00p-NG--- PB (jv) vs SHS (jv)
5:00p-BG--- L.R. (jv) vs SHS (jv)
5:00p-NG---- PB (jv) vs HHS (jv)
6:00p- BG--- L.R vs HHS
6:00p- NG--- PB vs SHS
7:00p- BG--- L.R. vs SHS
7:00p- NG--- PB vs