Re: LRHS Class of 2020 Graduation.
The Rice County Health Department and USD #444 administration have collaborated and approved the following plan. The LRHS Class of 2020 commencement ceremony will take place on July 18th at 3:00pm in the LRHS Gym given that the current situation remains “as is” as of today, July 9, 2020. The following guidelines will be in place.
Graduation practice for all seniors will be on Friday, July 17th at 5:00pm. It is required for graduates to attend. Practice should take approximately 45 minutes. Graduates are encouraged to wear a mask at practice but not required.
Graduates will be allowed to bring approximately ten guests. We will cap the ceremony at 250 people. The number of guests per graduate will vary where some may bring a few guests and some be allowed more than ten guests. Please email Dr. Herbst with your list of guests. If you have more than ten guests, Dr. Herbst may contact you to visit about the number you plan to bring in order to keep within our 250 limit. More than ten guests cannot be guaranteed.
PLEASE EMAIL YOUR LIST OF GUESTS (Names) to Please do so by Monday, July 13th.
Each guest is highly encouraged by the Rice County Health Department to wear a mask at the commencement ceremony, but not required. Families will be required to sit in a seating arrangement that facilitates social distancing from other families. Seating will be arranged in pods to ensure social distancing.
Upon arrival graduates will check in at the south commons entrance. Guests will check in at the north commons entrance.
Pictures will be taken throughout the ceremony. Every effort will be made to live-stram the ceremony. Some restrictions on numbers that can view could occur. More information regarding a link to view will be sent out if we are able to livestream.
At the conclusion of the ceremony graduates and guests are asked to exit the building in a timely manner.
Thank you for your patience and support as we ensure the graduates are honored as they deserve. We understand this is not ideal, but feel it will be a special day for our graduates given our current circumstances. If you have questions, please email Audrey Herbst at
Kindest Regards,
Dr. Herbst & Mr. Garrison