Parent(s)/Caregiver(s): A note has been sent with students in grades 7-12 today regarding "Safe Dating" / "Healthy Relationships" presentations that will be provided to all students on Nov. 18th, Nov. 19th, and Nov. 25th at LRJSH. In case you do not receive the note, the letter sent home is below:
All students in grades 7-12 will be involved in an exciting program called “Safe Dates.” This program is scheduled for 90 minutes on Nov. 18th (8:30am-10:00am), Nov. 19th (2:00pm-3:30pm), and Nov. 25th (8:30am-10:00am). This effective, research-based program targets the attitudes and behaviors associated with dating abuse and violence.
Dating abuse can be a significant problem for teens as young as middle school. “Safe Dates” helps teens more clearly define what a healthy dating relationship is and what dating abuse is. It helps teens understand the causes and consequences of dating abuse, as well as strategies to prevent dating abuse from happening.
The goal of this program is to help teens be safe as they develop healthy relationships with friends and their interactions in society. We understand that some parents and caregivers don’t want their teens dating until they’re older. “Safe Dates” doesn’t push or promote dating, but it will prepare your child for the future when he or she may be dating. “Safe Dates” also does not discuss any explicit content regarding intimacy. We will mention sexual assault in general terms. We will also discuss how to recognize human trafficking and how to remain safe.
As the caregiver of your teen, you play the most important role in keeping your teen safe in dating relationships. The attached newsletter provides some helpful tips in doing this.
If you have any questions about the “Safe Dates” program or dating abuse in general, please do not hesitate to call Erica Laudick at Bright House. (620)665-3630 or Dr. Herbst at (620)897-6201.
As always, you are certainly welcome to join us in the high school auditorium for any and all sessions. Please call the school office if you would like to opt your student out of this program. If you choose to opt out, your student may read a book or work on homework in the media center during these presentations.